MX Pneumatic Tire Lift Truck

Configurable solution for indoor and outdoor applications


With over a trillion possible configurations, the Yale MX series is a customizable solution to meet the needs of a variety of applications - indoor or outdoor - with the versatility and performance for a variety of industries, including manufacturing, retail and distribution.

  • Proven efficiency
  • Tailored performance
  • Ergonomic advantages
  • Proven dependability
  • Simple service
Industry Sectors

- Rental Stores
- Home Centers
- Light Manufacturing
- Auto Parts Distribution
- Building Materials
- Chemicals & Plastics
- Mining, Energy & Construction
- General MFG

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Everything You Need, Nothing You Don't

Over a trillion configurations to fit your unique requirements

Proven efficiency

Your goal is to move more loads in less time. The MX series can help you - and we can prove it. When tested against its top competitor, the Yale MX delivered results.

  • Use up to 14.4% less fuel — that's 0.23 gallons less per hour, which adds up to big savings - as much as 400 gallons over 2,000 hours of operation
  • Move up to 2.9% more loads — that's three more loads per hour, which adds up to 6,000 more loads over 2,000 hours of operation
  • Get up to 20.4% more power — most forklifts can handle 15% grades, but the toughest grades require even more power - and the Yale MX has proven power, with over 800 more pounds of drawbar pull in competitive testing
Tailored performance

Get the best-fit, productivity enabler your operation has been looking for, packed with a variety of features to match the job at hand.

  • Yale® Flex Performance Technology select adjustable drive modes to either maximize fuel economy or turn up productivity to match application needs
  • Side-shifting fork positioner (optional) — enables faster fork adjustment to keep operators moving to the next task
  • Foot directional control pedal — enables hands-free directional control so that operators can maximize productivity, making adjustments as they move
Ergonomic advantages

Reduce fatigue and keep productivity high. The MX series offers a wide range of ergonomic and technology driven features developed based on years of operator feedback to boost comfort, awareness and performance.

  • Hi-Vis™ 2 mast — maximum visibility through mast, so operators are confident and well aware of their surroundings
  • Isolated drivetrain — minimize the effect of vibration and road-borne shocks to help reduce fatigue
  • Accutouch mini-lever e-hydraulic controls (optional) — provides low effort, fingertip control of hydraulic functions and horn
  • Three-point entry design — molded hand grip, armrest / hip restraint and large open non-slip step with low height for easy access all shift long
Proven dependability

Your operation must keep moving, no matter what. The Yale MX is a cost-effective truck tailored for your operation - all day long, week after week, year after year.

  • Cast drive and steer axles — robust design ready to stand up to even the most abusive environments
  • Hi-Vis™ 2 mast assembly — visibility and long-lasting durability, with details like sectioned hoses for repair without complete replacement and unique sheaves to prevent kinking
  • Pre-lubed and sealed load rollers — canted to resist forward, backward and lateral forces without the need for periodic adjustment or shimming
Simple service

You need reliable performance at a price that doesn't bust budgets. The Yale MX series is designed for not only simple serviceability, but to require less maintenance to begin with. That keeps operations moving and maintenance bills to a minimum.

  • Save $15,000 on maintenance costs over 10,000 hours of operation compared to the leading competitor, based on published service manuals for each brand
  • Cowl-to-counterweight access makes it easier to carry out vital servicing tasks
  • Coil over plug ignition eliminates spark plug wires and the need for periodic replacement
  • Continuous Stability System is a completely maintenance-free system that allows articulation over uneven surfaces to minimize truck lean and enhance lateral stability
  • Extended service intervals, including 4,000-hour intervals for engine coolant and hydraulic oil changes
Model Load Capacity Load Centre Lift Height Turning Radius Overall Width Weight Engine Transmission
GP040MX 1814kg 600mm 5537mm 2176mm 52mm 8170kg PSI 2.4L LPG/Dual Fuel Powershift 1-speed
GP050MX 2267kg 600mm 5537mm 2235mm 52mm 8910kg PSI 2.4L LPG/Dual Fuel Powershift 1-speed
GP060MX 2721kg 600mm 5537mm 2324mm 52.2mm 10300kg PSI 2.4L LPG/Dual Fuel Powershift 1-speed

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Yale Vision telemetry

Complete fleet visibility and control

Yale Vision provides real-time fleet monitoring for more informed decisions. The solution offers easy-to-use dashboards and analytics to manage cost, optimise productivity and protect assets.

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